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With knowledge comes power. Personal progression will only take you so far before you have to reach for books and documents that explain the science and technical aspects to painting, drawing and the art of 'seeing'.
Drying Oils and Mediums
Ron Sanders was educated at the Columbus College of Art & Design, and works primarily in oils, focusing on history paintings, romantic realism, portraiture, cartoon and caricature. The article covers the modern and historical use of drying oils and mediums to assist in the use of painting in oils.
Drying Oils and Mediums
Color Design Rules - Art Theory
Doug Kipperman and Melissa McKinstry's'Color Design Rules' is an in depth art theory guide into the nature of colour. The principles are further illustrated by examples of paintings by various artists, and also covers the emotional/psychological effects of colour.
Art Theory and Color
A Concise Guide to Archival Permanence With Art Supplies
Rob Howard, author of 'The Illustrators Bible' and owner of the Studio Products website, shares his knowledge about the permanence of painting mediums including straight oil, turpentine, damar, mastic, black oil, lead, megilp, Maroger's, copal and balsam and amber.
Archival Permanence