Leverage Social Media to Maximize Your Art Selling

This post was written by admin on June 6, 2015
Posted Under: ArtGraphicA News

Today’s online art business has been spiraling up year over year. An artist no longer needs a shop in order to sell creations. This is why the art business done online has grown huge and better. For instance, in joining Art Classes La Jolla, you will soon be selling your artworks on websites like Artfinder and Shopify. When an artist used torequire a concrete gallery to display his artworks, the replica watches online page offering a similar view of what is being sold has replaced it.

Now, having an online art shop is one thing, and promoting it via the social media is another. Proven and tested,this is really a good leverage in maximizing the social network and boosts your sales among others. When you have Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, your online art business gallery has a greater chance of going to sell out than those who don’t and stick to the conventional manner of art shop. Here is How Social Media Can Be Useful in Maximizing Art Selling:

  1. Sign Up

This is the very first thing before you hit the go signal. Quickly fill-out an online form for you to get started. Make sure you have your contact information correct and in detail.


  1. Create A Profile

This includes your task of pinning a profile photo which will make people think of it as a trademark whenever somebody brings it up in an online conversation.


  1. Upload Photos

The best part of it is seeing your art pieces uploaded. You can personalize your photos by leaving watermarks, so as to ensure privacy is maintained.


  1. Find Friends

The part where you would look for prospective buyers and possible customers is here.You can invite as many clients as you want and you do that by finding friends.


  1. Update Regularly

You should always make it a point to answer all queries your online shop has, and this is when you encounter customers which are almost similar to actual gallery visitors.

Now you might be wondering which among these sprouting social media networks would be perfect for Art Selling. You cannot simply add it up in any social media. You will likely lose control of your shop when this happens. You can simply have it in Shopify or Artfinder. There are other media selling art pieces so it would be up to you to look it out. Now how do you maximize other social media websites in case you are not satisfied with the art pages? Here’s how:

  • Use Hashtag

Every time people online will search for the hashtag item you pointed out, these online searches will be directed to your page. That is an almost free advertisement. This is something that you need not pay at all.


  • Create Winning Profile

The future of your business depends on how you have created your profile. If you have created a winning page, then your success in online business has just started. You can start with a good name, a good URL and great pinned images.


  • Share a Gallery of the Most Popular Art

Do not limit your page to your works, especially if you have just very few. Use your initiative and be articulate in creating a good conversation to start the interest of your buyers. For instance, you can share a famous art as long as you are taking credit to the owner.


  • Host and Promote Online Events

That calendar and events tab in your social media network is there for a reason. You can host an online event and promote whatever it is that you would want noticed. This is the fastest you can sell your artworks out.

Social Media is here to last so it is but just practical for you, if you have art pieces to sell, to take advantage of it while it is trending in the society and the buying public. You will have a wider target audience with this plus you will have a better income.

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