SQUARE tiles. — For Fig. 327 of chequer tiles tick off equal divisions I, II, III, IV, etc., all along front of floor. Rule lines from each division to D.V.P. Carry a diagonal to D.V.P., and where it cuts receding lines I, II, III, etc. (at A, B, C, etc.), rule (either by parallel rulers or by using a T-square ; horizontal lines along the whole length cf the floor.
A pavement of ornamental tiles. — For one such as Fig. 328 make a plan of the pattern which repeated many times will cover the floor- space. Many designs are formed on one or more squares and diagonals, as these are. Make a foreshortened square from the plan (explained in Chap. IV), and continue the diagonals across the floor p,nd the horizontals along it, as is made clear by Fig. 330.

Herring-boned. — Fig. 332 is the plan of a herring-boned wood floor, and the drawing (Fig. 333) explains itself. The wavy appearance of the floor. is not wholly untrue to nature, it is sometimes quite disconcerting on a highly polished parquet where the grain of the wood as well as the direction of the blocks help the illusion.
Roman pattern. — Fig. 334. The plan and perspective of a Roman pavement is given to demonstrate how a pattern that is in appearance complicated can be easily drawn when its proportions are mastered.
Concentric squares — Parquet floors and some pavements have bordering lines, or lines forming concentric squares or oblongs that cover the floor. The diagonal gives the spacing of each line.
Octagonal pavements. — For Fig. 336 mark off the width of squares 1, 2, 3, etc., and the points C from the plan. Draw the receding lines 1, 2, 3, etc., of the sides of the squares and of the corners of the octagons C. From near corner of square 1 draw diagonal to D.V.P. Where diagonal cuts the receding sides of squares draw horizontal lines to fix the depth of every square in that row.

Where diagonal cuts lines from C draw horizontals to fix position of D and E, the " side " corners cf every octagon in the row. The lines from C cutting the back of each square mark the remaining corners. Join the corners.
The above method is easy ; an alternative way is to use the two V.P.'s as shown in Fig. 339, though the long-distance V.P.'s may be inconvenient.
Pavement of hexagons. — For Fig. 341 tick off along the base equal divisions X to X, etc., and join each one to P.V.P. Divide (using diagonals) the depth II–III in half by the line A. Complete the hexagon. Where line B cuts the lines X rule lines B, C, D, etc., the full length of pavement. Complete pavement as shown by diagram (Fig. 340).
For Fig. 342, in addition to the P.V.P., two V.P.'s can be used for the chevron ends of all the hexagons. These V.P.'s are found by continuing two foreshortened sides (dotted lines) to the horizon.
Fig. 343. The lozenge or diamond tiles (already explained in Chap. IV).
Squares inscribed with circles. — Draw the foreshortened squares as just directed. Inscribe a circle in one of them (as shown in Chap. VII). From guiding points on it carry lines to P.V.P., and horizontally across the pavement to serve for all other squares. Remember not to take too wide an angle of vision, so as to avoid absurdities.