Work in Progress photos from start to finish
I wrapped up work on "Totem III" last night, which is the latest in a series of mixed media animal totem works. Below I’ve included photographs of the entire process of making Totem III from start to finish. In total I probably spent about 7 maybe 8 hours on this.
Totem III, along with Totem I and II, as well as many other works, will be in an art show at Annex 24 Gallery in Lancaster, PA during the month of May. The first friday artist reception will be on May 6th from 5 to 9 PM. I’ll be there so please stop by and say hi. All works will be for sale.
Totem III
Ink, Acrylic, Coffee, Red Wine, Paper Collage on 2" Deep Wood Panel
12 × 12 inches
Step 1: Creating the totem image. Ink on 140 lb. cold press watercolor paper which has been stained with coffee and red wine.
Step 2: Preparing the wood panel painting: I made an underpainting of deep violets / purples and gold, which I went over with a layer of white and buff colors, leaving “windows” to the colors underneath.

Step 3: Adding intuitive ink patterns over the acrylic. I am using a mechanical pencil barrel (empty) dipped into an ink well. I’m sure there is probably a better tool to be using than this, but it’s what I happened to have on hand and it seems to work fairly well.

Step 4: Adding the paper totem. I attached the paper section with some acrylic medium. I then glossed over the entire painting with glossy acrylic medium and varnish. I also painted the sides of the wood panel in metallic gold acrylic.

After looking the piece, I later added in a gold section to the top of the ram (in paper).

The Three Totems

Visit Lynnette Shelley's Website
Tutorial is copyright of Lynnette Shelley