Brittany. Alla Prima, Free Oil Painting Instruction, Part 2 of 2
Step Ten
Here I start blocking in the hand and arm, starting with the large shapes first and measuring, measuring, measuring!

Step Eleven
Getting into details in the hand and deciding to go with a lighter color for the shirt.

Step Twelve
To make sure I get the left arm right, I take a few measurements and sketch in with my brush a few main shapes.

Step Thirteen
Once again, just slowly going from one shape to the next, fitting in each puzzle piece of the subject. I'm not thinking any differently when paining a tree, arm, or eye -- they're all just abstract shapes, of a certain value and color, in a precise place.

Step Fourteen
Using some mineral spirits, I think down the paint and wash in some colors to go behind the bamboo on the left. This is mainly just to kill down the white so I won't be struggling to paint in between all the vertical shapes of the bamboo later on.

Step Fifteen
Changed my mind; I think the girl's shirt was better the darker red, after all!

Step Sixteen
Here's the final painting.

Click to View PART ONE of the Brittany oil painting demonstration
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Tutorial is copyright of Scott Burdick