Wildlife Art Guide - Land, Sea and Air
Wildlife Art Course now with Free Copy of Drawing and Sketching Guide
The Wildlife Art Guide now comes with a free copy of the Drawing and Sketching cd-rom guide, the latter is currently available to view free on the ArtGraphica website.
The "Wildlife Art Guide - Land, Sea and Air" demonstrates the drawing and painting of nine different animals in various mediums and styles, giving detailed step-by-step instructions and videos to follow the process from beginning to end. This is much more intimate than a book full of static picture; now you can follow and watch the art process in action, again and again.
These are small samples from portions of 3 of the 9 tutorials included on the CD video guide. Each tutorial starts with an introduction and discussion of materials, and then follows on with detailed videos and step-by-step instructions and analysis of techniques.
 From the Crayfish (Sea) Demonstration - Mechanical Pencil on Bristol Board - Hatching
Techniques without blending.
Wildlife Art Guide, Main Features
- More than 50 Videos, compromising of 3 hours of video footage.
- Three animals to three categories (9 demonstrations in total) from diverse themes - Land, Sea and Air.
- Thorough step-by-step instructions to all tutorials.
- Animals Include: Lion, Horses, Dog (Husky), Parrot (Macaw), Mandarin Duck, Masked Boobies, Crayfish, Fighting Conch Shell and Seahorses.
- Step-by-step instructions to all tutorials.
- Tips, tricks and techniques to help get the best from the media used.
- Tutorials in graphite (pencil and powder), oil paints, watercolours, acrylics and pastel (5 colour medium demonstrations, and 4 monochrome.)
 Close up Detail of Oil Painting Horse Demonstration.
Wildlife Art Guide Content
Following on from the popular Drawing and Sketching Guide, the Wildlife Art Guide features countless hours of learning potential, and three hours of video that can be returned to again and again, teaching painting and drawing techniques in a diverse range of mediums and on a diverse range of subject matter.
- Irish-Draft Horses
- Lion
- Alaskan Husky
- Hyacinth Macaw Parrot
- Mandarin Duck
- Masked Boobies
- Crayfish
- Seahorses
- Fighting Conch Shell

"More than 50 Videos clips compromising of 3 hours of video footage."Each tutorial starts with the basics of the materials used and moves on to the techniques of using the media at hand. The CD includes demonstrations in pencil using various techniques from blending with special art tools and hatching techniques (e.g. masked boobies), using a range of pencil hardnesses to smoothen and create blended effects (lion), graphite powder brushed onto paper (Fighting Conch Shell demonstration) to careful hatching on smooth grained paper where smooth detailed effects can be applied without blending (Crayfish). Alla prima (wet-into-wet) oil techniques are demonstrated on the Horse and Mandarin Duck, and The Seahorses are rendered in fast drying acrylics. The Alaskan Husky uses watercolour and an oil painting bristle brush to create effortless soft fur effects and the Hyacinth Macaw demonstrates the swiftness and vibrancy of pastels. To accompany the videos, this beautifully presented multimedia product provides step-by-step analysis and instruction to each stage of the drawing/painting.
Wildlife video screenshot
Screenshot from the Crayfish drawing demonstration. CD includes 3 hours of video footage in total.

System Requirements
- IBM Compatible Pentium 266Mhz or faster.
- Screen Resolution: 1024 by 768 or higher.
- CD-ROM: 16 speed or faster
- Op Sytems: Win 95, 98, 2000, ME, or XP
- Memory: 64Meg +
Close-up from Masked Booby Demonstration
Combining the best of a book and video, the Wildlife Art Guide takes a hands on approach with the wonderful intimacy of videos you can watch time and time again.
All software needed to view the pages is provided for on the CD which is logically laid out and easy to use and navigate; the contents of the CD are played directly from the CD itself without any need for installation onto your hard-drive.
Click to order your copy today!
